
911 memorial (1) AMBULANCE DISPATCHER (1) Abraham Lincoln (2) Allopathic physician M.D. (1) Athletic Trainer (1) Auricular therapy (1) Ben Carson (1) Biomedical Engineer (1) Boyd K.. Parker (1) Cellular therapy (1) Chinese oriental medicine (1) Coach K (1) Dean smith (1) Denis Waitley (1) Diagnostic Radiologist (1) Dr. Norman Vincent Peale (1) Dr. Randy Pausch (1) ECG (1) ENT Doctor (1) Ezra statement (1) James E. Faust (1) Luo Holtz (1) M.L.King Jr. (1) Marine Biologists (1) Mark Twain (1) Mark Victor Hansen (1) Mr. Haymore (1) Naval Architecture (1) Noemi Trigueros (1) Og Mandino (1) Ophthalmologist (1) Part :2 (1) Pyschiatrists (1) Thomas S. Monson (4) Trauma Nurse (1) YOGA THERAPY (1) acupuncture (2) allergist/immunologist (1) anesthesiologist (1) autogenic training (1) cardiologist (1) chick moorman (1) chiropractor (1) choose wisely (1) chromotherapy (1) clinical manager (1) dance/ movement therapist (1) david bednar (1) decision determine destiny (1) dental assistant (1) dental lab (1) disney measles (1) duty (1) eastern doctor (1) film producer (1) first day of school (1) good person (1) gordon b. Hinkley (1) hosea ballou (1) integrity (1) interdiciplinary project (1) james freeman clarke (1) john wooden (2) joseph b. withlin (1) marcus aurelius (1) marilyn ferguson (1) mario cuomo (1) michael phelps (1) obedience (1) paul hatch (2) peter vidmar (1) reggie bush (1) registered dietitian (1) richard l. evans (1) sterling w. sill (1) thanksgiving (1) to cool (1) veterans day (1) w. clement stone (1) western medicine doctor (1) when you tell one lie it leads to another (1) william penn (2)

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

A. well one thing I did like about the class room was that you weren’t to hard on us you gave us free time and let us work on what couldn’t been done at home. But at the same time it was a little annoying when we had to copy down medical careers  I mean as I say this I  speak for others not all of us want to take place in working at a medical career some of us came to this school because it was a good opportunity to learn something new so that is one thing I didn’t like about this class. improving suggestion I can give as an advice is that it would be nicer in a away that you allowed us to hear with one ear phone Music,. Some people cant tolerate the quietness and others cant tolerate the annoying sound of click- ity- clack.   
C. I feel that I  did show some what of my best in this class like for example if I was to tired I would just write randome reflections other times if we had to leave rapidly I wouldn’t be able to to type my reflection on time and that would make me unhappy. Other than what I just stated I do feel that I have shown my best  I did all my work I participated in all the assignments I am suppose to do.
D. No I am not I forget that I even have a life planning notebook but the only time I actually do read it is when I come to this class. I add more I read more you know same –o- same-o.
E.  I don’t know if I’m committed to being a CTR person because at times I want to have fun at times I want to stand up against others at time I can’t have the patient to wait its hard for me to commit to that.

F. Something I can do to take responsibility for my body mid and spirit is not allow others to overcome me or take over what I believe in.
Final part: 1
Interdisciplinary project Experience
This semester we had to do a new presentation called interdisciplinary project I didn’t know of this I had no idea what this was but it was new and it sounded boring at the same. I began to hear that it gave me extra credit and we are supposed to do it. so my teacher she separated some student including me from the students who did not have a Spanish class and who did have it. I got separated to a group of very hard working people I thought two of them were going to slack off but they surprised me. Their names were Byron, Miguel, Poleth, Jaylenne, Brisa ,Amayrani and me (Sherie).We had to choose a topic that was unknown so one of us picked out  a piece of paper and it said ”Should Overweight Student Be Required to take an Additional Class until they reach an Appropriate rate? All of us disagreed  after knowing what our statement was about each one of us choose our own part I choose to be the claim/introduction, jaylenne choose to be the first evidence to support the claim, Amayrani choose to be the second evidence ,poleth chose to be the person who takes care of the graph, Brisa choose to be the rebuttal basically its when you neither disagree or agree with the subject its like have to withdraw the person to have both sides to one story, lastly since we had seven people in our group two of my piers had to share one which was the conclusion. Right away we got started on our project and slowly we began to finish. The hard part was getting ready to present our project to the rest of the class in front what was done was that for our other blocks they made us have practice with choosing the right kind of graphs that would support our topic so we had to work with others classmates in getting use to talking in front of our peers. As far goes we developed not a lot of stress but a ot of confusion. Finally it was the day and there was a bit of a trouble  I couldn’t make it to the presentation on time so one of my piers took my place  1 minute later I arrived they were already done it was an emotional time but other than that bit was a good experience. For the next time I am going to learn to just get through the pain and learn that its not the end of the world.

Student success statement
When I do good,
I feel good
When I do bad,
I feel bad
By Abraham Lincoln

 The only reason why some people or as I should say all human being would feel guilt for the wrong that they composed against others its like  a memory that the brain reacts to because of all the excitement or shock that went through the person view .the other reason why people would feel happy for what they do is because most of the people like the feel of having a person appreciate the other its like a an reaction if one makes another happy that person would make them happy

Monday, December 15, 2014

Student success statement
You are in charge
“Take responsibility
 for your own body,
mind, and spirit, for
your own physical
mental and
spiritual well-
Mr. Haymore

As my reflection our body is like our own display and whatever is done to our own body we will take care of it because for one it’s our life and our nature nobody should pull our leg just because they want better from us. They are not going to wear our body there not going to control it neither. Our mind is like a treasure box and every treasure box must have a key so what im trying to say is the key is us we only open it when we know we should and by letting others disregard our thoughts is not right. Our spirit is free our feeling depends on what you want to believe and not what you shouldn’t our spirit depends on who you are in and out.

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Student success statement
“We need the courage to start and continue what we should do, and the courage to stop what we shouldn't do”
Richard L. Evans

My reflection on his statement is that no matter what path is taken that you choose you should have the courage to end what is not getting your attention and try something new, but then if you’re doing something wrong you need to have the courage to say no because what bad thing you’re doing it’ll come with a bad price that price can and will ruin you.

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Student success statement
“Always do the right”
Mark twain

He is right because later on all that those responsible acts will then come back at you.

Friday, December 5, 2014

when you tell one lie , it leads to another
so you tell two lies to cover each other
then you tell three lies and oh broher,
you're in trouble to your ears!
so you tell four lies to to try to protect you
then you tell five lies so folks wont suspect 
then tell six lies and you'll collect
 a filled with worries and fears
'cause you wont remember how many lies 
you've told
and half the thing you say arent true
and sometime you'll slip up, you'll trip up
and then 
whatever will become of you?
 so you lie and lie without even trying 
 and each lie you tell will kepp 
'Till the whole world will know
you're lying
then you'll be suspected detected rejected neglected disliked 
and you should!
when you lie,you're closing the door
on everything good
Student Success Statement
“When you tell one lie,
it leads to another”
Paul Hatch
Always speak the truth

                                      My reflection on this is that its true once you’ve begun there is no other way, unless you change.

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

          Student Success Statement
             The 3 Question:
1 .Can people trust me to do what’s ‘right? YES
2. Am I committed to doing my very best? YES
           3 .Do I treat others the way I want to be treated? YES
“If the answers to these questions are YES,
There is no way you can fail”
Luo Holtz

My Reflection: on his statement he not right nor is he not wrong there will always be a bump on the road and not because of whether you good or bad with others, to yourself and any one that hangs around you its just that there are always going to be a down fall its on you whether you pick you self-up and dust yourself or just stay on the ground waiting for someone to help up.
Diagnostic Radiologist
Duties and Responsibilities: Radiologist use technological devices to do scans on people with health problems for example like doing a MRI’s, X-rays, CT and anything they can use to diagnose and make treatment decisions
Salary: $273,980
Education: they must undergo about 11 years of education beginning with a bachelor’s degree that at least has to do with biology and physics requirements. Such as premedical degrees after being completing the college Admission test and being admitted radiologist must add 4 years at a medical accredited program. After completing that they must take a final exam to become board certified.

My Reflection: Based on what I read I would think that this sounds like the easiest job but its not others life depends on you no matter what. And I don’t think that I would ever be ready for that.

Thursday, November 20, 2014

                                                                 Student success statement
Kindness is the essence of greatness
Joseph b wirthlin


                     My reflection what I think about this is how if you could just do one kind thing to  others or respect others by the way that if they are poor and need someone to be there others will cherish that act and accomplish that duty.becuase having to put your shoes in into there’s would be the worst feeling.
Thanksgiving and Thanksgiving Day

                     As we all know that thanksgiving started because pilgrims allowed native Americans to come over and have a feast with them .but what we don’t know is the background and the real reason why thanksgiving actually became noticed. And that back then there food was not the same as it was before to even begin with the pilgrims didn’t even carry down the thanksgiving tradition until George Washington declared that it should be celebrated in November 26 but it was declared that it should be an annual tradition until the 19th century. Until an American writer Sara Josepha hale  got inspired   by a  diary of the pilgrims  and pictured her imaginary first feast. from that day on she try to raise a promotion on declaring thanksgiving to continue. In around the 1800s Abraham Lincoln declared that thanksgiving was going to proceed on the 26th of November but little did you know that in 1939 Franklin D. Roosevelt moved the day to the 27th because it would give more time for people to buy  .in 1989 George h w  bush  Granted the first official pardon to a turkey. After that it was sentenced for each president to spare a turkeys life and send them to a retirement from being on a farm other than being on a dinner plate.

 I am thankful for still being alive after so many pains
I am than full for having the best family that I can possibly ever ask for
I am thankful for actually having someone I can kind of call my little baby brother.
I am thankful for knowing that my family will be with me in every step of the way
I am thankful having a house of my own
I am thankful for having to say that I am part of something other than  just being the invisible person

My reflection:  to be honest I didn’t know about the background to the thanksgiving story and how it was declared to be a national tradition. I just thought that it was the day of the feast and that’s it.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

                                                                     Student success statement
                                                            “   Is it is not right do not do it;
    If it is not true do not say it”
         By Marcus Aurelius

My reflection on this is that he is right if have nothing nice to say or do then don’t do it at all because later on its going to come right back at you in the painfulness way.
Dental assistant
Duties and Responsibilities: assist with implementation and documentation of current infection control standards. Secondly their other job is Seat the patients in the treatment area .passing requested instruments to the dentist during dental procedures.  providing assistance in the office with tasks such as appointment scheduling, record keeping, telephone management, and billing ordering supplies.
Salary: $23,550-$47,580
Education: there aren't any requirements for being a assistant but other than that having a high school diploma typically it involves with have a 1 year diploma or certificate programs.

I think that this job is about the easiest job you can ever do so maybe what I’m trying to say is that this would only be my part time job it wouldn't be my job.

Friday, November 14, 2014

Dental lab technician

Duties and responsibilities: they work directly with dentists and follow by the detail and impressions of the patients’ teeth or oral soft tissues to create dentures for the patients who are missing teeth. Remove partial dentures or a few. Its important for technicians to help create tooth replacements that are both attractive and functional.

Salary: $25 - $50,000

Education: the receiving of a associates degree or certificate all depend on going to a two year program of community colleges. Starting at vocational schools and technical college for an individual they need a high school diploma.

My reflection: I think it would be a good job to work in especially when art is involved it would feel like your doing a sculpture only using technology and not getting your hands dirty.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Student success statement
“It may make a difference to all
eternity whether we do right or
wrong today.”
James freeman clerk

My reflection : from my understanding to his quote doing something that will affect you r life eternity will make a difference and people will remember who or what you did but what the wont know is how you felt  against whatever that was done . What’s done is done and there’s no going back whether you chose the right from wrong it will come back at you.
                                                       Veterans Day

 Veterans Day as it goes it is to honor the US armed force and the unknown soldiers. it just like memorial day only veterans day celebrates the dead and the living ,memorial celebrates the fact to justify the true meaning of veterans day  was called armistice day to commemorate the truce between the allies and Germany . it was celebrated on the 11 month of 1918.the first celebrated was on November  1919.on that day a  color guard ceremony represents all branches of the military and also celebrates the tomb of the  unknown  in Arlington national 1984 the name armistice day was changed to veterans day and was also changed to honor all veterans not just those  who served in world war 1 .for many years it was actually celebrated in October in 1964 the day was celebrated on the first week of  October until Gerald ford  moved it back to  November where now in the present day it stays.

 As my reflection Ive learned the truth of veterans and I would like to say thank you

Friday, November 7, 2014

                             Student Success Statement
               “Doing what is right, fair and honorable is
                more than important than winning or losing.”
Chick Moorman
For example Honesty and Victory

My reflection based on this makes me feel that this statement a perfect example to people who care about winning .because it doesn’t matter whether you win or lose its how you played the game whether you had fun or not whether you know what you did  wrong or did it right. Its the fun that counts                                         

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Student success statement
1.have the courage to say no
2.have the courage to face the truth. the right thing because it is right.
these are the 3 magic keys to living your life with integrity."

                                                        W. clement stone
I agree with Mr. clement if you only live by these steps life wouldn't be so hard because what you've done to others might comeback at you in a positive manner.
What does it mean? It means the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles.
Synonyms are: honesty, righteousness, decency, truthfulness

Examples: “He is known to be a man of integrity”

Monday, November 3, 2014

                                        Student success statement
He that walketh with
wise men shall be  
wise; but a         
companion of fools

shall be destroyed.                                                
Proverbs 13:20



                                                                                      Pick you friends wisely
     Dance /Movement Therapist
Duties and responsibilities: they mostly try to improve the patient’s emotions and self-esteem. While developing communications skills and gain pattern behavior as well as reacting ways to cope with your problems. Movement is like a primary base to allow therapist, accelerate the feelings inside of each patient and take a stand to opening a new way to communicate their problems.

Salary: $60,000 - $80,000

Education: in order to become a movement therapist you be a graduate from ADTA improvement graduate programs and dancer and movement credential.

My reflection based on this , is that I think I would love to become this because now I know that are so many ways to let out your feelings and while me learning more and more opens a  new key for me to try this out maybe one day  each person will feel the same way as the others through the way they shoew their feelings .

Thursday, October 30, 2014

                                                           Student  Success  Statement
                                           “  Be Cool In School –Live Every Rule “


I agree with Mr. Haymore because being cool in school only cause attention and then all you’ll end up with is nothing in the end.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

                                                   student  success statement 
                                               "The best recreation is to do good ."
                                                              William Penn
 My reflection based on his response refers that the best enjoyment or pleasure is to treat others the same and to always look at the world in a positive way because knowing that there are wrong in the world make everything you imagine go to waste and knowing that its not true can make you lead to doing something wrong instead of the right.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

     Student success statement
Right is right even if everyone is against it  wrong is wrong even if everyone is  for it
                                                        -William Penn

      Knowing what’s wrong should right away tell you that you must do the right. If you know what’s wrong then don’t do it all if you know what’s right then choose the right. 
 Yoga therapist  
Duties and Responsibilities: they develop and maintain professional relationship with the participants of optional level of fitness classes. Also they Perform and demonstrate each yoga strategy and position in the exercises with   ensured obedient health safeties. Last but not least they must monitor fitness requirement that the participants recommend that would suit there speed and council their lifestyles and diet issues to have a healthier body and mind.

Salary: $ 36,900
Education: a yoga instructor requires completing a certified training program if want to be a yoga teacher that adds up to a few weeks to over 2 years depending on the type of yoga that would want to teach . What is also recommended is having a yoga experience. Having a bachelor’s degree can also be recommended and beneficial.


Monday, October 20, 2014

                                                     Student Success Statement 
"don't sacrifice what you want most for what you want now.
write down what you want most and see it often"
Peter Vidmar
don't go for what you want for yourself go for what you know your heart, your love, your family will be happy about. chose the side that you know what would help you get there don't go for it and then back down. check on it. go do what you need to do and follow your heart.
                                      Clinical Manager
 Duties and Responsibilities:is a  type that works as both a administrator and a health services manager . they often work for a doctor offices, clinics , long and outpatient facilities . their duties improvise managing recruitment,development of overseeing day to day Like going to meeting monitoring budgets,handling conversations, and making profits out of purchases.


Education:depending on how the size of the workplace is it determines on what is depended from the positions,employers education varies . generally you'll need a bachelors degree in a medical field,course work relevant you about 4 years management in health care , health care administrations and case management.

 i think that to work in a job like this would give me to much stress to much to worry about i mean would if i have children , you would have to  miss work for important things than if you cant find anyone to take care of your child it would be to much to hold on to and for missing to much you get fired.