
911 memorial (1) AMBULANCE DISPATCHER (1) Abraham Lincoln (2) Allopathic physician M.D. (1) Athletic Trainer (1) Auricular therapy (1) Ben Carson (1) Biomedical Engineer (1) Boyd K.. Parker (1) Cellular therapy (1) Chinese oriental medicine (1) Coach K (1) Dean smith (1) Denis Waitley (1) Diagnostic Radiologist (1) Dr. Norman Vincent Peale (1) Dr. Randy Pausch (1) ECG (1) ENT Doctor (1) Ezra statement (1) James E. Faust (1) Luo Holtz (1) M.L.King Jr. (1) Marine Biologists (1) Mark Twain (1) Mark Victor Hansen (1) Mr. Haymore (1) Naval Architecture (1) Noemi Trigueros (1) Og Mandino (1) Ophthalmologist (1) Part :2 (1) Pyschiatrists (1) Thomas S. Monson (4) Trauma Nurse (1) YOGA THERAPY (1) acupuncture (2) allergist/immunologist (1) anesthesiologist (1) autogenic training (1) cardiologist (1) chick moorman (1) chiropractor (1) choose wisely (1) chromotherapy (1) clinical manager (1) dance/ movement therapist (1) david bednar (1) decision determine destiny (1) dental assistant (1) dental lab (1) disney measles (1) duty (1) eastern doctor (1) film producer (1) first day of school (1) good person (1) gordon b. Hinkley (1) hosea ballou (1) integrity (1) interdiciplinary project (1) james freeman clarke (1) john wooden (2) joseph b. withlin (1) marcus aurelius (1) marilyn ferguson (1) mario cuomo (1) michael phelps (1) obedience (1) paul hatch (2) peter vidmar (1) reggie bush (1) registered dietitian (1) richard l. evans (1) sterling w. sill (1) thanksgiving (1) to cool (1) veterans day (1) w. clement stone (1) western medicine doctor (1) when you tell one lie it leads to another (1) william penn (2)

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Student success statement
“You have brains in your head,
You have feet in your shoes;
You steer yourself in
Any direction you choose.
You’re on your own,
And you know what you know
You are the guy who’ll decide where to go”

Dr. Seuss
                                                   Trauma Nurse

Responsibilities and duties: Trauma life aspect is like living through a nerve wrecking and chaotic life, but it conducts the nurse to react within an instant. They must respond as quickly as possible without a thought unexpected results when resuming rapidly to an injured or stabilized person.

Education: In order to become a trauma nurse it’ll take years of training mostly your whole time will be spent at an emergency room or critical care units. The person must earn a associate degree in nursing, a bachelor’s of science degree in nursing or a diploma from a hospital with a nursing program.

Salary: $67,930

this seems too hard to actually react to a stabilized person especially when all the pressure is focused on you and for that reason I don’t think I would like to become a trauma nurse I don’t need every one’s pressure when I have my own thing’s to worry about.

Friday, September 26, 2014

                                                   Student Successes statement
 “When obedience becomes our goal, it is no longer an irritation; instead of a stumbling block, it becomes a building block.”

James E. Faust
What he means that being good and doing the right thing can always change in to a right path. So what you did wrong is becomes a mess. But when you see that there is a always a happy side that mess turns out to be you way out.


Responsibility and Duties: What their priorities are to check your blood pressure, weight, heart, lungs, and blood vessels. When there are some different symptoms after the doctor examines. He/she will put you under a more additional test. With that said the cardiologist would provide that the person needs to change their lifestyle or what they do is try to help cure the person’s condition before having a serious attack or illness.

Salary: $461,000-$512,000

Education: A cardiologist must have a bachelor’s degree in order to get into medical school. It includes taking Chemistry, mathematics, engineering or psychology courses. It’ll take up to 10 years if the cardiologist completes them but if they only go for 4 years that’ll be enough to learn about medical terminology, medical judgment, and etc. Other than that as a training requirement they have to take coronary, radio-graphicfluoroscopic, circulatory support and etc.

I really do hope that if anyone who would want to become this should take a lot of empathy. Because seeing people with an issue would be hard for me to respond to if I became a cardiologist. 

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

                                                 Student Success Statement
                                           “Obedience is the great test of life”

                                                     Thomas S. Monson

Being a good, respectful, and obeying person is being the successful person of all. It’s whether you do wrong and to fix it is by doing the right.
                                                       Bio-medical Engineer

Responsibilities and Duties: they combine biology, medical, and engineering and use this to solve medical and health related problems. They design machines MRI with a microscopic machine used surgery. They research and develop the use of organs and improve the instruments used in hospitals and clinics.
Salary: 81,950-92,870
Education: a bachelor’s degree is required and is one of the first steps that you would need to take because most of the careers require it. You would need to evolve having to go to a mechanic and electronic training center. Most of all receive a master’s degree.

 my reflection on this is thinking the about all the training I would have to do and then just to engineer on provided organs for people would be the best thing ever. Working with different chemicals and knowing where goes where like a mechanic would be great.

Friday, September 19, 2014

                               Film producer

Duties and Responsibilities: the responsibilities of being a film maker are to make sure that the movie is on point and a high quality in within the budget that it gets. That means packaging the concept of distributing it to theaters and facing whether you have to manage processing it studios. They might choose the scripts find crews , hire staffs and most of all find the actors and actresses that fit the position.


Education: the first main thing that successful producers need is being good in business skills and creativity. Usually they’ll ask for your bachelor’s degree which you really need to direct and write. The y also learn theories, technical skills , and film history.

I think that I would love to be one because my art is like watching a movie and my writing is all I want to show as real life .
                                                Student Success Statement
                        “Obedience is central to becoming, being, and remaining happy.”
                                             David Bednar

My reflection on this is that being good and helpful and anything possibly to make you happy is what you should always do before feeling should always the number one thing its what you do that make you happy whether it’s your job, family or doing a hobby..

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

                                                                     History of Reggie Bush
                   Reggie bush was a very good athlete but a very bad person. He had won 12 games for USC and received his trophy because he was good. but all that went away he and his family excepted money and gifts and other impossible benefits to play in the USC football games and players are not supposed to because it’s against the later on the NCAA uncovered this and spoke out and to protect himself bush tried to cover it up and lie which did not succeed because the football team took away his trophy, his money, his jersey, and everything they ever gave him.

Student Success Statement
                                              “Obedience sums up our entire duty”
                                                                   Hosea ballou        

He means that the work we have done keeps our obligations combined or held together.
                                            duties  synonyms

                                                        Autogenic training

Duties and Responsibilities: it is a powerful mind and body technique that relaxes and uses body awareness. The autogenic trainer reduces the stress response and replaces it with a calmer mood. The exercise that focus on AT, depend on the heaviness and warmth of the circulatory, and Musculo- skeletal system.  

Salary: $60.-$250. Per hour

Education: As in a training course they have to learn the exercises, and its history.                                                                                                                               
So far I don’t to relax anyone or touch anyone other than just keep my hands to myself.

Monday, September 15, 2014

                                            Student success statement
                          “The more obedient we are, the more freedom we have “

                                       Boyd K. Packer

The more we are obedient like the more we do what were suppose to the more opportunities will be given to us.
                                         Auricular Therapy
Duties and responsibilities: this basically deals with or is used for microsystems. Its aspects depend on the body like the ears, hands and feet .one of their works involves with a stylus that tells where the electric signals of the brain lacks.
Salary: $31,390-$81,830
Education: they are established have passed a high standard of ethics, ACI provides professional and public training in an advanced skill.

    My reflection on this is that it would be really cool to inside of a human body or ear but I wouldn’t want o give this a try. I don’t want to see anything of the brain or anything that would make me want to poke it.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

                             Student Success Statement
                       The Key to Freedom is obedience
                                                911, Memorial
             9/11/01 attacks started as some Islamic men wanted to hijack the American airplane the crash happened at 8:45. The two terrorist that had started the first erratically crashed in to the twin tower. At 8: a man named Ben slighter seen that he had another plane that was going at the same speed as the American plane. The us army was on their way trying to stop the other plane at 9:03 flight one crashed straight into the middle of the other twin tower. Once that hijacked occurred, another call about a plane was hijacked and flew into the pentagon. That was already 3 crashes that had 9:58 the first tower began tumbling down.  In airplane 993 all 44 passengers died. 25 minutes later in downtown Manhattan the north tower of the world chamber collapses. The four hijacked plane have claimed the lives of 4,000 people the leader was Osama Binladdin. After all this they couldn’t understand why the smartest technology of the U.S. did not detect the dangers that were going on.
After the crash in 9/11 01 people from all over the world began raising money to keep the spaces of the twin towers as to remember the loved once that died. As seen in the pictures down below:
As a reflection its
Very hard to see
That over 1,000  People died.


Tuesday, September 9, 2014

                                                                    Student Success Statement
       “What you are as a person is far more important than what you are as a                       basketball player”

                                                       John Wooden
What he means by this is that what you are inside is like a basketball player. You the player outside but what’s inside is way more important.  The kind of person is what counts.

                                          Athletic Trainer
Duties and Responsibilities:  they’re healthcare professionals that collaborate with the physicians and provide emergency cares health care and prevention services.

Salary:$30,000-$70,000 per year

Education: in order to become one you must have a degree from athletic training curriculum. Must of had been in programs of illnesses emergency care and anything that has to do with human anatomy to be accredited to knowing what to do

I would love to help out a person when they are in pain but what if I get hurt from trying to heal someone else. But then I want to grow up to be fit so maybe I might want to be one I don’t know.

Friday, September 5, 2014

                                 Student Success Statement
                   “Your past is not is not your potential”
                                Marilyn Ferguson

What you did in the past or what kind of person you were in the past doesn't matter now because the past was the past and it’s the future. Now is the time to become a new person live a better life without regret and love of whom what kind of person you are now. 
Duties and Responsibilities: they are doctors who care for the patients before a medical surgery. What they do is give anesthesia and monitor the patient’s reaction to manage the surgical pain. But first they have to go through the person medical history to see what’s wrong or what’s needed .for reasons of this the anesthesiologist has to explain what the procedures  are so the patients know what to expect .
Salaries: 300,000-450,000 annually
Education: the education required is up to 12 years of postsecondary education. You must be fully required as a physician. After, complete residency requirements. If want to be a pediatric anesthesia more years will be added.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

                                                     Student Success Statement
“Relentless, Repetitive self- Talk Is What Changes Our Self- Talk Is What Changes Our Self-Image.”                                        
                               Denis Waitley


    What he’s stating that non ending boring talks changes our self. Is like as if we start to talk and only stay on one subject were never going to get through with it or get any farther then what we have. So in order to do so, you would have to change it up make it fun, be spontaneous, and make it exciting because if you notice the way that people don’t get interested in the topic. Make something up but not by lying either.
         Ambulance Dispatcher
Duties and responsibilities: An ambulance dispatcher answers the 911 calls that needed people need. And with that information they contact the police the firemen and the Ambulance. While contacting the stations they’re on their computer locating the call trying to tract the system that the person is using.. For them they only take calls and others use the radio their jobs indicate the knowing the alarm systems if they  been turned on or if  there is a robbery going on.
Salary: 31,000-37,000
Education: in education of what to expect is that mostly all of them have to have a high school diploma or a GED. But in order to be able to move from one thing to another they have to have a criminal degree, know computer science or communications which leads up to 4 years. They may have to pass a lie detector test or a scanning of their background in order for them to get to know what they’re doing they would have to take course’s to get to know the radio waves systems and the training.