Thanksgiving and Thanksgiving
As we all know that thanksgiving started
because pilgrims allowed native Americans to come over and have a feast with
them .but what we don’t know is the background and the real reason why thanksgiving
actually became noticed. And that back then there food was not the same as it
was before to even begin with the pilgrims didn’t even carry down the thanksgiving
tradition until George Washington declared that it should be celebrated in November
26 but it was declared that it should be an annual tradition until the 19
century. Until an American writer Sara Josepha hale got inspired by a diary of the pilgrims and pictured her imaginary first feast. from
that day on she try to raise a promotion on declaring thanksgiving to continue.
In around the 1800s Abraham Lincoln declared that thanksgiving was going to
proceed on the 26
th of November but little did you know that in 1939
Franklin D. Roosevelt moved the day to the 27
th because it would
give more time for people to buy .in
1989 George h w bush Granted the first official pardon to a turkey.
After that it was sentenced for each president to spare a turkeys life and send
them to a retirement from being on a farm other than being on a dinner plate.
I am thankful for still being
alive after so many pains
I am than full for having the
best family that I can possibly ever ask for
I am thankful for actually
having someone I can kind of call my little baby brother.
I am thankful for knowing that
my family will be with me in every step of the way
I am thankful having a house of
my own
I am thankful for having to say
that I am part of something other than
just being the invisible person
My reflection: to be
honest I didn’t know about the background to the thanksgiving story and how it
was declared to be a national tradition. I just thought that it was the day of
the feast and that’s it.