
911 memorial (1) AMBULANCE DISPATCHER (1) Abraham Lincoln (2) Allopathic physician M.D. (1) Athletic Trainer (1) Auricular therapy (1) Ben Carson (1) Biomedical Engineer (1) Boyd K.. Parker (1) Cellular therapy (1) Chinese oriental medicine (1) Coach K (1) Dean smith (1) Denis Waitley (1) Diagnostic Radiologist (1) Dr. Norman Vincent Peale (1) Dr. Randy Pausch (1) ECG (1) ENT Doctor (1) Ezra statement (1) James E. Faust (1) Luo Holtz (1) M.L.King Jr. (1) Marine Biologists (1) Mark Twain (1) Mark Victor Hansen (1) Mr. Haymore (1) Naval Architecture (1) Noemi Trigueros (1) Og Mandino (1) Ophthalmologist (1) Part :2 (1) Pyschiatrists (1) Thomas S. Monson (4) Trauma Nurse (1) YOGA THERAPY (1) acupuncture (2) allergist/immunologist (1) anesthesiologist (1) autogenic training (1) cardiologist (1) chick moorman (1) chiropractor (1) choose wisely (1) chromotherapy (1) clinical manager (1) dance/ movement therapist (1) david bednar (1) decision determine destiny (1) dental assistant (1) dental lab (1) disney measles (1) duty (1) eastern doctor (1) film producer (1) first day of school (1) good person (1) gordon b. Hinkley (1) hosea ballou (1) integrity (1) interdiciplinary project (1) james freeman clarke (1) john wooden (2) joseph b. withlin (1) marcus aurelius (1) marilyn ferguson (1) mario cuomo (1) michael phelps (1) obedience (1) paul hatch (2) peter vidmar (1) reggie bush (1) registered dietitian (1) richard l. evans (1) sterling w. sill (1) thanksgiving (1) to cool (1) veterans day (1) w. clement stone (1) western medicine doctor (1) when you tell one lie it leads to another (1) william penn (2)

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Final: Part 1
1.       Something I liked about this class was getting to discover new jobs that I have never heard of or hearing about the type of job and learning more of it. Also not only that I enjoyed being able to express my feeling about everything we do like the student success statement I get deep in those.
2.      Somethings that I have to say that I disliked about this class was the fact that the rules encountered us the student to not be able to listen to music while doing our work or not being able to play math games. Another thing I disliked about New Media was the Fact that the title did not exactly infer to its meaning. I thought we were going to learn about the media or technology.
3.     Some recommendations I would Say is to give the next following students more time to look at different careers out of the medical field and allow the children to listen to music while they work  that’s all.
4.      Yes , I did well at least that’s what I feel , I did my best in this class and  I didn’t lag it.
5.      No I am not because I don’t need something to look forward on the future to make me reach that goal when I CAN JUST LET MY CHOICE TAKE ME WHERE EVER I STAY  goals to me are just a list that I want to do in life  I see this as a waist of time when I can  just be focusing on whats going on right now.
6.     Maybe like is said in 4 my choice will lead me through whatever comes to the situation if I make a mistake I ‘ll get right back up and keep going because that’s part of life . no  ones perfect.

7.      I will always remember my teacher Mr. Haymore always telling us to choose the right and also I will always remember the  song called “Do the right thing”

 Student Success Statement

"The Ultimate Choice"
Of all the choice you will ever make, one choice supersedes all others-the ultimate choice. This one will help you to always make a correct decision. This one choice, the ultimate choice, as your keystone to being the best student and person you can possibly be .this one choice will forever affect you for good more than any other choice. THE ULTIMATE CHOICE is: To be a CTR Person-o Always CHOOSE THE RIGHT!!!!!                                                               

                                                                    My Reflection
  this quote says so much but it doesnt say what really goes on yes the right choices you make will in good ways but remember even if you choose the right or the wrong its up to make things right you are a person and everyone makes mistakes no one is different from others but only unique in there own way.

Monday, June 1, 2015

Student Success Statement

“Success is not an accident. Success is actually a choice. Are the habits you have today on par with the dreams you have tomorrow?”

~Alan Stein
It’s your choice to make thing happen its your choice to reach it and grab that goal and it’s your choice to make the right decision. Everything you want to succeed in life is all up to you because no one else is going to live your life other than yourself.

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Student Success Statement

“A man without a goal is like a ship without a rudder” 
~ Thomas Carlyle

Basically if your just a person that s going for it but don’t know for what your going for you get stuck and don’t know what or where you should go . Its always best to follow what you truly would want to do in your life set as a goal and complete it.

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

           Student Success Statement
“If there is beauty in character
there will be harmony in the home.
if there is harmony in the home,
there will be order in the nation,
there will be peace in the world
If there is beauty in character,
There will be peace in the world.”

~Chinese proverb
                                                  My Reflection on this considers be to believe that if there was a beautiful character that we all have deep down under this skin then may be we can find our way back to it and keep the world a better place wrapped in our caring hands.                            

    Character counts
“The Six Pillars of Character”
1.     Trustworthiness
·       Having trustworthiness is like a form of where you can be trusted where every one arroyund you can depend onm you where they’ll know you wont lie but only tell the truth. Trustworthiness is a form of where you satnd by your family and friends
2.    Respect
·       respect is the ability to treat others the way you want to be treatd it like following the golden rule ,It’s showing your manners and tolerating the differences and to deal with problems inn other ways other than being violent.
3.   Responsibility
·       This is where you are supposed to do what you know you should do without anyone telling you to do it.Responsibility is where you are considered  accountable for your words, actions and attitude. This is where you become the big person
4.    Fairness
·       Treat all people equally and you play by the rules, be open minded and listen to others when they are talking to you have their full attention.
5.    Caring
·       Be kind, be compassionate, Caring is a way to show that they are part of you or that they are special to you in a form of forgiving others and helping people in need
6.    Citizenship
·       Giving your devotion and doing your share to making your community  school and environment better

I think that these are some good ways to follow through in order to get passed life and head on to the right direction.

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Student Success Statement

“I would prefer even to fail with honor then win by cheating ”


So basically he would rather win by doing it in way that he has put so  much practice and time into it then have drugs or people do things for him. Its better to win with the feeling and knowledge that you are the one who did it and that you are the one that succeed then to feel guilty and know that you are a cheater and has no  brain.
 Memorial Day
  1. Memorial  day is the day to remember all those who  made an ultimate sacrifice while defending the nation
  2. The purpose of memorial day was for people  to decorate and put flowers on the graves of fallen soldiers who fought in the Revolutionary war.
  3. It was actually celebrated on May 30th but was moved on the fourth Monday of May instead Giving federal workers a three day weekend.
  4. All across America many people gather up to put flowers and decorate the soldiers graves in an honorable type of parade or celebration.

  1. On May 5, 1862 general john A. Logan was the one who called for a nationwide day of remembrance later that month.
  2. I am probably going to watch some movies that involve war  or do a barbeques.

Friday, May 15, 2015

Student Success Statement

" The most important you will ever have is good values."

- Dennis Prager

 Good values is the most important things to ever have because they follow by what you become and the person you stand as. It's important to have values that you will obey by. they help you and guide you to where it is you are trying to go through.


Duties and Responsibilities:  They measure the client’s eye size, temple length, vertex distance, pupillary distance, and optical centers of eyes, using measuring devices. They verify the lenses ground to specification. Maintain records of customer’s prescription work orders and payments. Last but not least they assist the patients to choose whatever type of frame they want according to color, shape, and ensure that frames are coordinated with facial and eye measurements and optical prescriptions.

Salary: $33,770 - $54,490

Education: High school diploma with on the go training or certificate, associate’s degree or bachelor’s degree in optician   , for career advancement. Other requirements state licensure and/ or certification.

My reflection : I think that this job is very entertaining especially to see how everyone's eye is different from your one and how they eyes were built different. Every persons eye tells their story and everyones eyes shows who they are.

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Student success statement

"Nothing is ever gained in doing whats wrong"
Wilford Woodruff

nothing is ever passed or rewarded when doing wrong because whats been done thats bad has no purpose to carry on there is no purpose for tyhe person doing wrong to get reward or gain anything that people can give.
LAUSD : Families
Parent Resources
  1. ·         Parents rights and Responsibilities
  2. ·         Drop out prevention
  3. ·         Preparing for college careers
  4. ·         Gifted and talented programs
  5. ·         No child left behind: A parent’s Guide
  6. ·         Choices timeline
  7. ·         Steps to get family module access

These services will benefit me in the way that parents will be able to gather up and discuss there problems and know what’s going on with our schools and how they can help prevent whatever if trying to be passed that is illegal. They help benefit more programs for younger adults to be more social and understand meanings of their education.

If I were a parent the one I would use or be in would be the dropout prevention program. I would get together and discuss how we can prevent this entire drop out. Prevent them having to live a hard life even though life is hard it would not be so much if they continued school.

Monday, May 11, 2015

The Nicest Man

Patrick Morgan an employee at  an airport .until one day a person left a iPad with over 1,000 dollars stuffed in the case .Morgan took it to the supervisor and once the owner came the owner gave $60 to him as reward. With that money Morgan gave $20. To a homeless lady and the rest to others that needed money. With the way his behavior was shown he was rewarded by his colleagues and given a plaque with a reward of $625 dollars.
Student Success Statement

The reward  for doing 
Right is mostly an internal phenomenon

 Self-respect, dignity
(self- worth), integrity,
And self- esteem

Dr. Laura Schlessinger

MY reflection on her statement is that  she is right all that feeling from doing something right brings the good within ourselves .
LAUSD: Students
  •          Lausd schools: Smarter balance system readiness test Feb.19
  •       LAUSD brings library aides to  more schools
  •       Families matter- civil rights and the impact on education
  •       2015 Academic decathlon: Volunteer Needed
  • These will benefit me in the way that  I’ll know whats going on in my school  and  ways that I can make my a school or anywhere else a better place.
  • I will use  the last one I would like to be closer to a experience new things and experience the helping hand.

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Nursing Home Administrator

Responsibilities and duties: Direct the hiring and training employees and direct the activities of the medical, nursing, technical, clerical, laundry and housekeeping. Thy also administrate budgets and service rates and also interview families of persons seeking admittance to the nursing home.

Education: you’ll need a t least a four year bachelor’s degree and to pass a state licensing exam. Also the nursing home administrator varies by place of the employment and state. Some skills that  at a nursing home administrators fall in at the cross section of the health care and business fields is to interpret large amounts of possibly conflicting information.

Salary: $65,ooo – $90,000
 I think that this job would be right for someone who can multitask and handle a lot on there plate .basically can handle the money the volunteering and the handling of all trainings and others.

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Student Success Statement
"When a deep injury is done to us,we never recover until we forgive" Alan Paton

 He is right why keep yourself locked up and away from others when you can just forgive and learn from that injury learn from what has been done and become someone better prove to the others that doubted you and said awful things. Just forgive and forget.

Friday, May 1, 2015

 Student Success statement

“I dare you to stand alone” ~ Thomas S. Monson

Don’t pick a crowd that you know is not right for you because only are the only one of your kind there is no one like you but you and yourself you do what you have to do stand alone and become the greater good be the fittest
 Evolution of art

You pictures that are actually ,paintings you see colors made from the rainbow,and you see that dazzling pop out color that just captures your eyes and you wonder how was artr made. Art is every where you go .May people do art stuff for many reasons,but mostly there purpose for doing art is show and express there feelings and see how others react because those that the artist gets make them happy.Other reasons to art is to tell a story like a religious ritual. In any case art is to interpret the subject matter at hand.subject matters don’t change over time. Although subject matters do evolve by the way others use it like in the human condition, nature and events.

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

  Student Success Statement

“In any
moment of
decision,  the
best thing you
can do is the
 right thing.”

~Theodore Roosevelt

He is right the best thing you can do is the right thing if you were stuck in a not the best thing to do is unwind yourself ,find that one opening that you’ve been looking for and find your way out .life is allways about candy and sweets life is a maze .you  must undo what’s been done.
 My Progress Report
From all my goals that i have listed (112) i only have achieved 25.So that means i still need 87 more to go b then ill probably be  30 or something like that. my goals weren't as difficult but in a way it was alot to take and go do them .So basically i had to stretch my branch in order to figure out if i can blossom or i still need the sun.
Medical surveillance Technician
Duties and Responsibilities:they work on technical staff of encounting to perform laboratory tests generate diagnostic images, and maintainsurgical equipments.they perform  much of the routine work in pathology lab.



My reflection I’m not very satisfied with the unfinished work I have posted up but this is all I can find on this topic and from the looks of how much I had to struggle just to find the responsibilities for this career which is very difficult.from the looks of it if I can’t find  any information on this then I don’t think  this career is right for  me.

Monday, April 27, 2015

   Student success statement

“Make each day your
You have to apply
Yourself each day to
Become a little better,
And over a period of time
You become a lot better”

~John Wooden

So basically from what I’m getting from this quote is that make every day of your life meaningful go out and try, go out and have fun ,but mostly go out and push yourself to the limit of where you are actually doing something instead of backing down and being in the dark. Go, and take a chance because you might not know what you missed and regret not doing it. Its better to try then to succeed. But even so it’s better that you try and become a lot better.
Military Medical Opportunities
Dental Corps Officer
Responsibilities and Duties: Commanding and controlling the Dental Corps during an emergency and a nonemergency medical situation. Another duty they must do coordinate employments of all levels of the U.S command.

Salary: with the planning of saving in benefits the salary would go up to about 401(k)

Education: Be a U.S citizen be a graduate of American Dental Association accredited dental school. Must be between 21 and 42 years of age.

My reflection: I think it would be great to work in the army  and not get your hands dirty with so much blood and handle dead people and not have to feel the pain and guilt that I killed someone but deep down I would be scared and know that I’m doing it for my freedom and for the country. 

Thursday, April 23, 2015

 Student Success Statement

“It’s a great moment when someone has character to step up and do the right thing at the right time”
~Pam Knox

So basically it takes one person to pick the pace and lead the way .Or in a way that she’s saying is to be the person that is not afraid to defend what is right, and defend it for the right cause at the right time when others wont do so.
 Medical Illustrator

Responsibilities and Duties: May collaborate with medical professionals and scientist. May use mediums such as clay, wax, plaster, wood, plastic,  metal, pencil, ink, paint and others. Also due to what has been written they prepare to medical illustrations such as those of a healthy bodily system versus a diseased bodily system in order to demonstrate the difference between the two. Receive instructions from client, or employer, regarding the needs of the project.

Salary: $62,000 and can range up to $100,000

Education: you need a bachelor’s degree that combines both art and pre medical course work.

My Reflection: I think from based on the information that researched this would be a great job for people who like the art and for people who love to get creative but then again also see and draw the human parts.  

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

 Student Success Statement                                                         
                1. Treat the Earth and all the                                        
               dwells therein with respect                                       
2.Remain close to the  
  Great spirit
3. Show great respect to 

your fellow beings
4. work together for the benefit 
of all kind
5. Give assistance and kindness 
wherever needed
  6.  Do what you know to be right  
    7.look after the well-being of mind and body  
8.Dedicate a share of your efforts to the  
greater good.
9. Be truthful and honest at all times
10. Take full responsibility for your actions

My Rfection These commandments are like our own. follow through

Friday, April 17, 2015

Student Success Statement

“A promise must never be broken”

Alexander Hamilton

 If you break a promise then you break that person supportive you break there trust that has hanged on you not only will you be proving them wrong that you are the type of person to be depended but it also make you lose a lot of friends 

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Student Success Statement
Visualization – Imagination
“What you see is what you get”

This anonymous person ifs indeed right if you know what you want to o with your life if you know that you want to achieve something if you know that that’s the person you want to become because seeing is believing.
Physicists and Astronomer

Responsibilities and duties:  responsibilities are to speculate and conduct research on any matter that gets brought or hat is new. From the outer space but most of their time they spend time working in offices, and also gather information in laboratories and observations. Most physicists and astronomer work full time. Their duties maybe in some applied fields to develop new military technologies or new sources of energy.

Salary: the median annual for physicists was $106,840
The median wage for astronomers was $96,460

Education: Am astronomer and Physicists need a PH.D for most jobs

 My reflection I believe that this would be the best job I can work as because not only is it cool but may be all my questions will be answered and by me seeing whats actually happening I’ll understand more of what I was being taught in  high school for my future.I believe that its better to see then to read what others say because every one changes what they see they don’t exactly write what they see so that’s why this job would be great.

Monday, April 13, 2015

Student Success Statement

“Goodness is the only investment that never fails”

~ Henry David Thoreau

Hes right goodness is the only well of getting through life the goodness you show the love and caring will be given back to you.
                          World   Records
 The world record for body piercing
The world record holder is Elaine Davidson
 March 2012 and 9,000 counting

 I am fascinated about this because I‘ve always wondered if men can stand the pain is there any women who are brae enough to stand the pain of their body being pierced and Elaine helped me.

The world record the most modifies
The world record holder is Maria Jose Cristerna
February 16 2012
 I lookup to her in a way that she doesn’t care how she looks and she’s shown that it doesn’t matter whether you are different because people will look up to you as a hero as a person whose not scary looking but look at the yourself for the way you see yourself and not care what others  think.

I don’t think I would like to break any records because first I need to know what I want to do to break a record.

Thursday, April 9, 2015

                                         Student Success Statement
“My basic principle is that you don’t make decisions because they are easy ; you don’t make them because they are cheap ;you don’t make them because they’re popular; you make them because They're Right”

Theodore hesburgh   

 He’s right ,you are in control of your own decisions and nobody else has to make up your decisions that part of life you chose the wrong you learn from it and just keep going you don’t need to make decisions that puts you in the heat spot if you know its wrong  don chose it all.

Licensed Practical Nurse

Duties and Responsibilities Planning and managing patients care according to their needs . Interviewing the patients and getting their medical history. Getting there vital signs and guiding them to their rooms .monitor for changes in the patients like testing the patients blood sugar levels.

Salary: $51,000

Education: need a high school diploma or its equivalent. Sometimes may be required to hold a current certificate as a certified nurse assistant.
I think for people with the ability to to take time and have the qualities of speaking without being shy would be perfect for this job.

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Student Success Statement
“It is our duty to concentrate all our influence to make popular that which is sound and good, and unpopular that which is unsound (not good).”
Joseph Smith

My Reflection so basically it is our duty to cope and cover up things that are good and that are meaningful instead of coping with problems like by sugar coating it. Because not only is it bad but its also wrong.
                                             Home Health Aide

Duties and Responsibilities: they provide home tasks like housekeeping laundry and morer or less like a house maid.they assist with bathing dressing grooming.they prepare and serve simple modified diest according to instructions and assist with feeding as necessary.So maybe like a CNA mixed with a house maid.they also provide routine skin care.

Salary: $9.00 per hour

Education: must have a valid HHA certificate other than that u may need a CNA's certificate or certificate programs are available.
  i wouldnt want anyones life to be carried on my hands