
911 memorial (1) AMBULANCE DISPATCHER (1) Abraham Lincoln (2) Allopathic physician M.D. (1) Athletic Trainer (1) Auricular therapy (1) Ben Carson (1) Biomedical Engineer (1) Boyd K.. Parker (1) Cellular therapy (1) Chinese oriental medicine (1) Coach K (1) Dean smith (1) Denis Waitley (1) Diagnostic Radiologist (1) Dr. Norman Vincent Peale (1) Dr. Randy Pausch (1) ECG (1) ENT Doctor (1) Ezra statement (1) James E. Faust (1) Luo Holtz (1) M.L.King Jr. (1) Marine Biologists (1) Mark Twain (1) Mark Victor Hansen (1) Mr. Haymore (1) Naval Architecture (1) Noemi Trigueros (1) Og Mandino (1) Ophthalmologist (1) Part :2 (1) Pyschiatrists (1) Thomas S. Monson (4) Trauma Nurse (1) YOGA THERAPY (1) acupuncture (2) allergist/immunologist (1) anesthesiologist (1) autogenic training (1) cardiologist (1) chick moorman (1) chiropractor (1) choose wisely (1) chromotherapy (1) clinical manager (1) dance/ movement therapist (1) david bednar (1) decision determine destiny (1) dental assistant (1) dental lab (1) disney measles (1) duty (1) eastern doctor (1) film producer (1) first day of school (1) good person (1) gordon b. Hinkley (1) hosea ballou (1) integrity (1) interdiciplinary project (1) james freeman clarke (1) john wooden (2) joseph b. withlin (1) marcus aurelius (1) marilyn ferguson (1) mario cuomo (1) michael phelps (1) obedience (1) paul hatch (2) peter vidmar (1) reggie bush (1) registered dietitian (1) richard l. evans (1) sterling w. sill (1) thanksgiving (1) to cool (1) veterans day (1) w. clement stone (1) western medicine doctor (1) when you tell one lie it leads to another (1) william penn (2)

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Student success statement
“It may make a difference to all eternity whether we right or wrong today.”
-James freeman Clark

  So basically what I do in the future or right now right this instance it may change what lies ahead. like for example if I were to make fun a friend right now than in the future when I see her again she’ll probably be a the biggest wealthiest person and won’t even give me a piece of her bread because I’m all the way in the bottom of being rich so because of that I have to live in the streets looking for food. And it was all just because of what I had did .when all this could have been prevented and she would have been nice enough to let me stay in her house eat warm and cooked food but now because of my action I have to live that.
Game designer
Responsibilities and duties:  a game designer must make a art work of including excitement and captivating like make a game where there consumers will want to buy . their duties are to create a story line that makes sense with character biographies so basically tell a story .conduct  design reviews here others thoughts and see if the others approve the designers work of role play mechanics , create prototypes for staff and management,and finally document game design process.


Education; candidates with a bachelor’s degree or master’s degree in computer programing, computer science ,or design with video game concentration will be best prepared to enter the field.

I think that job career would be very exciting and artistic for a person to work in because they would be expressing their feeling in the game that they’re designing it would be like a therapeutic type of job and it would make others happy and when others are the designers are happy because that’s probably what they want, they want others to feel happy when they see a new game they would want to feel that they have accomplished what they needed.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

student success statement
"the best way to predict your is to create you future"
charles ketterer

 so how do you do this wouldn't be the question the question you  should  be asking is  when can you start? start today start right because the sooner the better the  latest the more you will regret. just remember what has always satisfied you what has always kept you going because that little voice in side is your hope to a brighter future its you faith that keeps you going all you have to is just believe that you can get far and and stick to what you believe don't let others break you down just get right back up and prove them               wrong words cant hurt you . there just words let it be.

Bless You
Why do we say this when someone sneezes ?this is a question many people have asked and today is the answer you will get.
We say this to wish someone a “healthy health”, or to wish them a “long life”
It all started in the roman times when they would say” Jupitar preserve you” or “Salve”and the greeks would wish each other a long life. but now in our times it started  with God bless you attributed to Pope Gregory the Great.

Pope Gregory the Great  whom uttered it in the sixth century when the plague was epidemic.usually in that time when you sneezed it was basically one of the symptoms of the plague.

Friday, February 20, 2015

        A young lady named Rachel Castillo was a working lady who worked at a golf course and one day was going to change her idea she was called to be notified that a bag was left on a bench wand when she got to it she seen that there was stacks of money and an ID. that belonged to a man she wasted no time and called the police immediately  they notified the old man who was 76 years old on which the police thought that he wan in a medical illness . well after the result  rachel received no reward but was happy to know that her return will come in a higher power.
Student Success statement

"Ask yourself is it right or wrong and act accordingly"

Otto graham

so basically ask yourself is a you action going to hurt others or is it going to make a change. think about the consequences.
Health information specialist
 Responsibilities and duty: their duties are to collect, organize, analyze and broadcast health information in numerous health related settings. Their responsibilities ensure in verifying health health records completeness accuracy and proper entry into computer systems.
Salary: $30,000 – $42,000
Education: when graduate get a degree from some type of big colleges or universities get  A degree take a American states test to see what have you succeed and what you know.
Major requirements
Medical terminology for health information professionals
CPT coding
ICD coding
Advanced coding
Health Care Statistics and Quality Assurance
My reflection This job would be perfect for someone who can remember

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

A Child of Honor
miles a child with a passion  of his fathers honoring resumes to him picking up a $20. bill just lying on the floor right after a soldier walked into a restaurant . he then  thinks that he wants to buy a video game and  then thinks of his dad who name was randy whom also was a soldier but died right after miles was born . miles gave back the $20. bill to the soldier  with a note wrapped inside . in said
" Dear soldier, my father was a soldier  who is now in heaven  my family believes in paying it forward thank you for your service . sincerely miles  a golden star kid."since then the soldier reads it every now and then.  he's already used the twenty dollars and now tries to show the good and idea that many people can hopefully grab from his experience.
Student Success Statement
"act well your part there all honor lies."
alexander pope

do what is right, do what you feel will  leave you full handed than empty because every act of kindness is honorable .
Environmental health specialist

Duty and responsibilities: Environmental Health Specialist protects the environment and human health by cleaning polluted areas, advice policy makers, or work with industry to reduce waste. Sometimes or often they would take samples of the air, water, and other substances to identify and the assess threats to people and the environment.

Salary: $63,570 as the median price they get paid

Education: an environmental health specialist may need a bachelor’s degree in natural science or science related field for most entry level jobs.

 My reflection I think that working as a hero to the environment and people environment would be a very happy thing because even though many people of recycles and companies they have tried to stop the pollution so that when a baby is brought into this world they’ ll see the good in this world but they’ll just end up seeing the bad .Being the person to help change that would be honorable

Friday, February 13, 2015

Student success statement
“Associate yourself with men of good quality if you esteem your own reputation; for ‘tis better to be alone than in bad company”
- George Washington

So basically follow or be friends with good people who will help you get far instead of those who lead you to the wrong path and if they won’t stay sometimes it’s better to be by yourself and lead yourself through your own path

Presidents day
1.  presidents day is viewed as a day to celebrate all U.S. Presidents past and present.
2.the purpose of presidents day was to celebrate george washington's birthday and abraham lincoln birthday but since abraham lincoln's birthday was on the 12 of february his birthday became a federal  public holiday. and as for george washington his birthday fell on the 22nd so with that they wanted to celebrate his birthday and give honor.
3.presidents day is on the 22nd of february
4. learn about presidents day and know why all working building close on this special day

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Student Success Statement

right is right only when entire

 victor hugo 
 right is right is only when you tell the whole truth and is whole and complete to every responses or question devoted to you

Monday, February 9, 2015

Student Success Statement
“In life as in football ,
you won’t go far ,
unless you
know where
 goalposts are”

Arnold Glasgow

So basically in life you need to see what your trying to succeed on and   know  who you are  to accomplish that task ,on the path you seek. 

.The history of basketball
1. A man named James Naismith
2. The sport of basketball was born when James moved to the YMCA Training School in Springfield, Massachusetts .USA in 1891
3. He invented basketball in 1891
4. The first game was played with the soccer ball and two peach baskets as goals
5. He invented the game because he wanted d to find a game with skill instead of a game using strength.
6.the circumstances in the beginning was that the way that you were supposed to hold the ball grab the ball and what consisted as a foul ball  
7. well the first game he had , he described it the circumstances of the opening  match: in contrast to the modern day basketball the players who played nine versus nine  the handled by a soccer ball not a basketball and instead of making them into hoops they were a pair of peach baskets.
8. Some shots that were taken was called  a jump ball was taken in the middle of the court.
9. its different in the way of how they were both played backe then the drbble was not secluded in the game if it was it was considered as a foul . so was the ball it was played using a soccer ball instead of a basketball.

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Tana and christian
tana was a women of old age who was visiting her husband who had died  . Which then got turned into a mugged scene. the mugger got caught but little did they know he a had a son named christian who wasn't like his father for his he was always absent and never really was there for christian. well christian was the opposite of his father. he choose to met up with Tana to give back the money his father had stolen but since he  had showed that their is always a good person out there in the world and that one good person was christian he felt that he had to apologize for his fathers crime because if he wasn't going to do it then who would  so he picked up his game and returned the money back .for his bravery and courageous the money was given back to him  as a sign of honor .
Student Success statement
“Only those live
Who do good”
Count Leo Tolstoy

  So basically if you live your life  the right way then you’ll live your life happily even when  its time to go.
Duties and Responsibilities: Veterinarians administrate vaccines, do health check ups , clean teeth and anything a doctor would do for a human .Only veterinarian’s do this all types of animals. Some types their jobs fall into being like a social worker who take kids away for their right only for animals.
Salary: $86,640
Education: Doctor of veterinary Medicine; a baccalaureate degree is usually required for admission into a vet medicine program.


My reflection

I think that this would be the hardest job I would work as because if ever  see a n animal die in front of my eyes I’ll began to cry and get very emotional even if it’s not mine it’s like I feel the pain they went through.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Western medicine
Duties and responsibilities: the western medicine doctors treat symptoms and diseases using drugs .
Salary: $183,940
Ø  Bachelor’s degree 4 years
Ø  Medical Degree 4 years
Ø  Family Medicine internship & residency

My reflection: I think that I would hate to be a western medicine doctor because  I prescribe drugs to a person just because it would help them then that would mean that there life would be on my hands because if they overdose I going to be the one going to jail great example Michael Jackson’s Doctor supposably killed Michael Jackson but who  really knows the true story to that.